
Friday, June 7, 2013


My second novel is out in e-reader format!

12:19…The time has been set…
Violet and Johnny Dotson pull up stakes and relocate to the beautiful countryside near Asheville, North Carolina in an attempt at starting their lives over after series of miscarriages. Unbeknownst to them they have actually been summoned there by a higher power.
Locked away in a mountaintop mental institution, J.C., a mysterious man who was the only survivor found at the scene of a brutal murder/suicide, will only utter five words… “I am the son of God.”
Strange events centered around the unknown patient spur Detective Tom Drayton to connect several bizarre deaths to the time of 12:19.
Armed with an old priest’s advice and a touch of new found faith, Tom follows a path that could very well lead him to the destruction of all mankind.  But is he doing God’s bidding, or could he in fact be the dreaded serpent himself?
12:19…The clock is ticking….

One of the darkest things you'll ever read!

Check it out at Museitup Publishing



ChiTown Girl said...

Woo hoo!!

Now I just have to figure out how to download my copy. :S

Mike said...

Haven't got official word yet. lol

Brian Miller said... the cover man...
like me a little darkness...

Pat said...

Sounds terrifying and a can't-put-down kind of book! Congratulations!

Lisa Regan said...


Can't wait to get it!

It was a fantastic read the first time I read it!


Joanna Jenkins said...

High Five and congratulations. You're on a roll and this one sounds really scary!

Annika said...

That cover looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

YAY, you're still here and as awesome as ever... Seems you've been a busy boy! I'm backkkk (formerly Eternally Distracted). Looking forward to stalking you again!

Unknown said...

Hmmm, seems my comment may have disappeared, either that or I have written it a thousand times already! Anyhoolio, glad to be back and to see you are still here being a smarty pants! :)