
Saturday, February 23, 2013

New Cover

Here's the cover for 12:19. I like the fact that my editor said she was creeped out by the a good way of course.


Brian Miller said... is an engaging cover...a pregnant woman, a snake, a clock...lots going on...and i like how the 9 dips low as well...

ChiTown Girl said...

I don't know if you read your email yet, but I pre-ordered this a couple of weeks ago. I'm so excited to be able to read it soon. Love the new cover!

lotta joy said...

I totally am blown away by that book cover!! I personally designed my own, since I'm the only one who knows what I want. But I'm pretty sure that when it's enlarged, it's going to "fuzz out". But I LOVE yours!!

the walking man said...

Michael, just awesome congratulations to you. said...

Wonderful cover illustration... definitely makes me want to see what's inside.