
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Penmanship is obviously not my strength!

Amazingly, this jumbled mess turned into the first chapter of 12:19, which, although its a little behind its scheduled publishing date, should be out soon!


lotta joy said...

Yeegads. Looks like a total mess. I typed mine out in WORD, then had it professionally edited, then I checked it for mis-spelled words again, then Joe checked it, but it wasn't until it was printed out that I found all sorts of odd ways to spell words....I wish I'd thought to print it out one last time...and chek agin. Spelling is not MY strong suit.

Brian Miller said...

ha. i am a notebook guy myself...and i love seeing others notebooks....what they scratch out or move...lets you in their mind a bit...

Mike said...

I do so much better on paper!

lotta joy said...

So do puppies, Mike. And canaries. LOL

the walking man said...

I think that looks pretty normal for anyone who uses pen and paper to write on. It does look like mine when I wrote using that method in the mid 20th century.

Annika said...

I love the original pen and paper :), before everything went digital.

Unknown said...

As long as you know what that jumbled mess is, that's all that matters! :)